Discover the new Classic and Infinite blogs on our websites. And many more blog improvements.

07 June 2023 - The latest - Comment -
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Your web blog is an essential part of your work and professional image. It serves to give voice to the stories you capture in your reports and creations. And it helps you achieve greater visibility in both social networks and search engines. In this way you will attract new customers through Google and Facebook, among other Internet giants.


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For this reason Arcadina has improved and expanded the possibilities of your photography, video and creative blog. We want you to make the most of each of the improvements we have created for you.

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The ideal client of a photographer

17 May 2023 - The latest - Comment -


One of the mistakes we see most often in photography websites is not focusing the page to the type of ideal client each photographer has.

Find your customer

In case you hadn't noticed, even if you offer a very specific type of service, such as wedding reports in Barcelona, not all couples living in this city will be your ideal clients.

For your web of photography, video or creative is functional, you must focus its content to meet the needs of your ideal client and for this, the first thing you must do is discover who exactly...

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Our websites have the biggest photos

07 May 2023 - The latest - Comment -

How would you like to show your bigger images on your website?

A photographer is "hooked" by his photographs. His images are part of his essence, of how he sees and feels the world around him. And all these sensations must be transmitted to your customers with the images you show on your website.

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With Arcadina, your landscapes like never seen before on a website

A great image that shows the nature of your work, where most of your competitors will not be able to compete with it and that will revolutionize the world of photography websites.

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With Arcadina, your...

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